Ecclesiastes 11:9 - Young man, it's wonderful to be young! Enjoy every minute of it. Do everything you want to do; take it all in. But remember that you must give an account to God for everything you do.
Do you love to exercise? When you are breathing hard and sweating, are you thankful? Believe it or not, I am. I consider it a blessing and very satisfying to sweat. Sounds crazy I know but there is a good reason for it. I have no intentions of taking my ability to be active for granted. If you would like to get a better understanding of what the title of this article means, I want you to take a trip with me to a couple of different places.
The first place is a children’s hospital. This is a place filled with children who would love to do nothing more than to play. These are children who hope for the chance to do those things that most of us tend to avoid... you know, race up a flight of stairs, take the dog for a walk, or even help mow the lawn. They would love to have the chance to run at the park or exercise with the other children in a P.E. class at school. Yet, most are still happy to be alive. They have some of the most beautiful smiles you'll ever see; a smile that can make you forget that you are in a hospital and believe, if only for a second, that you are at an amusement park.
The second place I want you to visit with me is the nursing home just down the street. It is filled with people whose only chance at the fountain of youth will be in their memories. Some of these people have no regrets. As a matter of fact, some senior citizens are still going strong, determined to make the most of their lives. Others may have many regrets that stem from the uncertainty of what could have been. Some may be haunted with the thought of “If I were only 25 again, I would do things differently.” Whether you talk to a person with no regrets or a person with many, you can bet that their advice will be the same.
Seize the day!
Run like there is no tomorrow!
The future is now!
These are only a couple of examples that can inspire through their message. Time shows no partiality. It is constantly chasing each and every person. So my suggestion is to make the most of every moment.
Because I can!
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