
Only the Young

Only the Young is one of my favorite Journey songs. But a better title would be Start them Young. By that I mean that we need to be actively engaging our children in developing themselves.

My wife and I have decided to start working with our kids each day on some type of skill. Whether it be catching a ball or running better, we think it is important for our kids to take some time away from the tv and video games and be physically active just as we were when we were younger.

More and more research is showing that kids with poor athletic skills are more rejected socially which has lead to higher drop out rates, drug use and depression. I am not saying that we need to push our kids to be the absolute best at everything and take away the fun of being a child but it is important to help them develop in all areas. Just remember when you were a kid. Would being more well rounded have made life better or worse? I think the answer is obvious.

Spending time with our children and helping them grow physically, mentally and spiritually is something that we will never regret.

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