The title to this post is more of a play on words. Is the title of this post my way of insinuating that you give up? We all give up every single day. All of life is about the choices we make and what we either give up or get with those choices. This morning I gave up being early to work for an extra five minutes in bed. I gave up a free donut breakfast in the teachers lounge for a better diet. I am giving up time for something else right now so that I can write this post.
For those of you who are training with us, these are some of the things you are giving up.
1. You are giving up being unfit and unhealthy.
2. You are giving up a low self concept for a better reflection in the mirror.
3. You are giving up weakness for strength.
4. You are giving up being a victim for discipline and control.
5. You are giving up fat for muscle.
6. You are giving up the Globo gym for true fitness found in a garage gym.
7. You are giving up lying on a comfortable couch for a gym floor.
8. You are giving up insecurity for confidence.
9. You are giving up your ego to by humbled by every workout.
10. You are giving up hours of slow and easy for fast and intense.
11. You are giving up average for excellence.
12. You are giving up making excuses for accountability.
13. You are giving up minutes working out yet adding years to your life.
14. You are giving up your limitations but rather test them with every workout.
I heard of one lady giving up her daily Starbucks coffee and using the money for her monthly training fees. Giving up does not have to be a bad thing. Giving up may be the very thing that gives you the most.
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