It is Spring time and you will notice that it is very hard to find a parking spot at Home Depot and Lowe's on the weekends. It is that time of year when people start cleaning up their yards and planting new flowers. What I find interesting is that you have to be willing to get your hands dirty, do some physical labor and plant those seeds before you will reap the harvest of beautiful flowers.
I am often ask by people I train,"When will I see results? When will I start losing weight? When will I get stronger or not feel so sore?" My answer is real simple. Your results will be a reflection of your commitment to your workouts and your diet. Strong, consistent workouts and a good, clean diet will lead you to those results you desire. Basically, you get what you give. It follows the biblical law of the seed. The more seed you sow, the more you will reap. If you only sow one small workout seed a week, you are going to reap a small fitness harvest. On the other hand, if you are sowing several workouts a week and eating healthy, portion-controlled meals, you will reap a bountiful harvest of good health. Again, it all comes down to the amount of seed you are sowing.
This law translates into every area of our lives. You will reap whatever you sow. If you sow seeds of laziness and bad food choices, you will reap an unhealthy body and lots of fat. If you sow seeds of time and love into your relationships, you will reap those same things back into your life.
I encourage you today to look at the harvest you are producing. If it is a good harvest, keep up the good work. If it is a bad harvest, simply change the seed that you are sowing. If you are wanting a more bountiful harvest all it takes is a little more seed and before you know it the flowers will bloom.
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