Do you have any regrets? If you could go back in time would you have done things differently? I remember a show from the 80's called Fantasy Island. It was about this island that people could go to and relive certain parts of their lives as to see how things could have turned out had they made different decisions. Are you living the life you had hoped for? Are you the person you hoped to be?
I heard the pastor of my church say that "Your life in the future will be determined by how you live in the present." Will you be fat, thin, rich, poor, happy, sad? The way you are living right now will determine those answers in the future. That is why it is important to take a look at the choices and decisions you are making right now and determine if they are going to lead you to the future you hope for. Do your hopes for the future include sickness, pain, and poverty or the opposite?
I have written in the past about my made up acronym WIWT(Will I Regret This). For example, a high school student may ask themselves if they will regret not finishing and getting their diploma. The fact is that if you have to ask yourself whether you may regret something or not, it is a pretty good indicator that you may. I don't have to ask myself if I will regret working out or being friendly to others. My past regrets DON'T include eating right, spending time with my family, or striving to live a life of excellence, but my past regrets DO include not doing those things.
Take inventory of your life right now. The fact is that today is the future of yesterday. Is it all that you had hoped it would be?
1 comment:
Wonderful thoughts for the future, Randy! Healthy diet, healthy body. Healthy attitude, healthy mind. Healthy spiritual living, healthy relationship for an Eternal future!
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