I am the coach of a 6 and 7 year old boys basketball team. It has been an incredible test of patience. These kids can only understand so much and perform to a certain level at such a young age. My goal is to teach them more about the game while also teaching them new skills and for them to have fun in the process. But I will have to admit that it is still a competition on game days and I find myself wishing that I could just do it for them when the game is on the line. The fact is that I can teach them the best that I know how and try my best to prepare them but when game time comes, I can't do it for them.
The same goes for training. As a trainer, I can prepare great workouts, teach technique and have open classes available but I can't do the workouts for you. You have to be willing to do it yourself. When it is too hot or cold outside, or you have had a tough day at work, you are the one that has to decide to workout. The same goes with diet. You may workout 2 hours a week or 10 hours a week but what about the rest of that 168 hour week? You have to decide how you will spend that time and what you will fuel your body with.
We are all ultimately responsible for our fitness levels. No one can do it for you. You have to do it for yourself. I think it is funny when some of my clients get on to me about killing them in their workout. I have to remind them that all I did was give them a workout to do and started the clock. They decided how hard they would push it. It is amazing what a great tool that stopwatch really is. Again, I didn't tell them how hard and fast to go, they decided that on their own. All I did was lead the horse to water. You have to decide whether to drink.