
I Can't Drive 55

When it comes to training, the more out of your comfort zone you are the better. If you want something you don’t have you have to do something you’re not doing. The reason some people may not see results from their workouts is because they are choosing only those workouts that they are sure to master, workouts that are either easy or comfortable for them. Sure, they may get you out of breath or include some heavy lifts but unless it is different or constantly varied, you are sure to become comfortable and complacent therefore minimizing the benefits of the training itself. If you are “working out” with a friend and are able to talk comfortably with that friend during the workout, you are probably not working very hard. Your results will be different and much less than those of people who are training at higher intensities.
Compare a car burning gas to our bodies burning calories. Drive slow and burn little gas. Drive fast and burn more gas. Drive slow for a long distance and your car uses the fuel more efficiently therefore still burning less gas. If your goal is to burn more gas, you are going to have to leave your comfort zone and put the pedal to the metal. It is going to put more pressure on the engine and the car will get hot but you will love the results. You will see that you can reach your destination faster by breaking the speed limit. You just have to be willing to shift into overdrive.

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